Publications ALBUM soudscape album: Rangkaian Pagi untuk Dikenang (Morning to Reminisce) TRACK mountain dulcimer piece: Gunung Singgalang (in Alex Lubet’s “Three Strings and The Truth: New Music for Mountain Dulcimer,” 2020) improvised drone: Angklung Drone (in “Drone Not Drones: the 7th annual 28-hour drone,” 2020) improvised drone: Gendhing Cosmic (live) (in “Drone Not Drones: the 6th annual 28-hour drone,” 2019) constructed improvisation: Gendhing Trans-Border (in “OneBeat Mixtape Vol 4,” 2015) SCORE Tangguh: piano score Water Siter: graphic score for two prepared harpsichords and piano In 4: Collaborative score by 40 worldwide composers BOOK book: Sounding Indonesia, Indonesians Sounding: A Compendium of Music Discourses book: Music-making in Aurally Diverse Communities (in “Aural Diversity,” 2022) book: Basic Music Technology: An Introduction ESSAY essay: The Klang Magazine Handy Dandy One Stop Listening Manual playlist essay: Sinema untuk Telinga (Cinema for the Ear) review: Mendengar dan Menyimak dalam Keberagaman: Catatan dari Aural Diversity Conference 2019 (Hearing & Listening in Diversity: Notes from the Aural Diversity Conference 2019)